Making a Difference in the Lives of Homeless Children


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Making a Difference in the Lives of Homeless Children

Making a Difference in the Lives of Homeless Children

Making a Difference in the Lives of Homeless Children “The plight of homeless children is not only America’s disgrace, but one of the planet’s most intransigent and horrific tragedies. We all must become informed and take action to end this vicious cycle!” —Maryana Palmer, Director/Producer, Invisible Children of L.A By Amy Weisberg, M.Ed., NBCT As a psychiatrist for 35 years, Topangan Maryana Palmer worked specifically with cancer patients. Dedicated as she was to her profession, her passion as a social justice activist since her teens, especially her concern for homeless children, inspired her to retire six years ago to produce and direct a documentary, Invisible Children of L.A. Her vision of 20 years became a dream come true. The documentary is honest, authentic, sometimes dark, sometimes joyful, but ultimately inspiring, as we witness the resiliency of nine homeless children and their parents as they struggle to survive. Through interviews and live footage, the film documents how the children and their families cope by living in shelters, motels, vehicles, and on the streets of Los Angeles. It also documents what is and is not being done to address the crisis in interviews with politicians from the L.A. City Council, the California Senate, and people advocating for the children. Invisible Children of L.A premiered at the Topanga Film Festival held at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum in 2019. Since then, the documentary continues to be invited to film festivals and has won numerous awards here and abroad. Most recently was the “Audience Award-Best Television Length Documentary” at the 2022 Marina del Rey Film Festival. It also took a Gold Award at the Rome International Movie Awards, and first place at the Roy Dean Spring Competition—From the Heart Productions. With the completion of this film, Palmer’s courageous vision has brought international awareness to the plight of these children. When voices like those in Invisible Children of L.A are heard and every child has a home, then we’ll know the dream has really come true.
Photo by Lionel Heredia Producer/Director Maryana Palmer (center) joins the parents and children from her film, Invisible Children of L.A.. From left, Judy Mayer, Nancy Sindar, Selina Martinez, Sarah Sindar, Maryana Palmer, Arteist Herring, Serenity Herring, Charlie Herring, Crushow Herring.
Want to change your Saturday night plans for tomorrow? Invisible Children of L.A. screens at a fundraiser concert 7:30 p.m., at the Emerson Unitarian Church, 7304 Jordan Ave in Canoga Park. The gifted, international award-winning violinist, Tony Selvage, will perform classical world music, and a Q&A session will follow the film. Tickets are $15-$30 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

International screenings of Invisible Children of L.A will take place at The Love and Hope International Film Festival in Barcelona, Spain, from September 6-10; and at the Love International Film Festival in Australia (Finalist) from September 12-16.

For more information about the film and to donate to the cause (travel and promotion), please visit

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