Celebrating Our TECS Fifth Graders

By Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.
Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.By Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.

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Celebrating Our TECS Fifth Graders

Celebrating Our TECS Fifth Graders

By Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.
Culmination is always a special time for our Topanga Elementary Charter School (TECS) and the fifth- grade teachers, Mrs. Tapper and Dr. Amenta-Shin, our Principal Mr. Kassebaum, the fifth-grade parents and students, who were determined to keep traditions alive, even in the midst of a global pandemic. On June 5, the first TECS virtual culmination took place followed by socially distanced drive-by celebrations. I reached out to the students and parents to gather the traditional quotes: “What Topanga Means to Me” and photos of the culminating students to honor them at this special time. We are thrilled that we received so many responses and are happy to share them with you. These children are our future and our focus. Many started at TECS in Transitional Kindergarten and spent seven years at our school participating in countless wonderful experiences including school musicals, class performances, instrumental performances, science fairs, art gallery exhibitions, student council, big buddies, science hikes, library stories and research, computer lab learning, physical education, Track and Field Day and Jump Rope for Heart, field trips in and out of the Topanga, woodland restoration and garden creations. I am sure that the students have an abundance of memories to carry with them as they leave the small, nurturing community of Topanga and disperse to a multitude of middle schools to continue on their educational journey. The “drive-by” ceremony began with some words of farewell from fifth-grade teachers Mrs Tapper, and Dr. Amenta-Shin and Kevin Kassebaum, TECS Principal.
Mrs. Sondra Tapper, Fifth Grade Teacher—“Students, I can only hope that when you look back at your time here at Topanga it is with fond memories. Think about how much you have grown as an individual and how Topanga Elementary School and its teachers have given you your roots and helped lead you on the path to success.”

Dr. Amenta-Shin, Fifth Grade Teacher - “Topanga Elementary is so much more than a school building; it has been your second home. Yes, you go to school to learn, but you also go to be with your friends, they are part of your extended family, not just classmates. Although it may feel like your world has gotten smaller, in some ways it has gotten bigger. You are part of a worldwide initiative focused on saving lives. Physically distancing yourself from others is an act of love. When you feel sadness creep in for what you have lost, remind yourself that you are doing your part to save lives.”
Kevin Kassebaum, Principal TECS - “We recognize this culmination ceremony was held virtually; and we kept it similar to our other in-person culminations, including the order of speakers, the musical performances, and reading of names for culmination. This is especially significant for our school community, as most of the fifth grade students started as Transitional Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners here.
“Virtual culmination does limit the ability to connect with parents in recognizing their contribution to the school community over the years. Culmination from elementary school is a rite of passage for the whole family and our school community. There may be a future opportunity for an in-person gathering if the Mayor lifts social distancing restrictions.” ■

Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.

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