With the Lovers Conjoined in the Sky, Valentine’s Day Sizzles

Kait LeonardBy Kait Leonard

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With the Lovers Conjoined in the Sky, Valentine’s Day Sizzles

With the Lovers Conjoined in the Sky, Valentine’s Day Sizzles

On a personal level, February is a month of fated unions and karmic progress. Whether you’ve been hoping to take the next step in your romance or turn dreams into reality, this is the month for you. For the United States, the sky is not looking so chocolates-and-roses. Before we get into the big news for the U.S., let’s jump into Valentine’s Day. First, Venus, the planet of love, ends its retrograde cycle on January 29th and will move direct through February. This means we’re done with all that re-thinking and re-working, and we know how to proceed. Expect to hear plenty of “I dos” this month, as relationships can finally move to the next level. To add a cherry to this Cupid’s day delight, the karmic North Node is making a harmonious aspect to deeply transformative Pluto on the 14th, so unions happening around this time will have a fated feel to them, as souls meant for each tie the knots of love. For those of us not looking to form a personal partnership, this is still an important aspect taking place in the earthy signs of Taurus and Capricorn. Wherever these signs fall in the natal chart, expect profound change that will help you move toward your destiny. As if all this weren’t enough, beginning around the second week of February, the planetary lovers, Venus and Mars, will unite in the sky and stay together in close relationship until Venus begins to move on in late March. This is a period of harmonizing opposite energies, balancing the Yin and the Yang. During this time, we will be passionate, but with this happening in the sign of Capricorn, we will ground those passions in reality. Artists will produce art. Dancers will perform. Lovers will…you get the idea. Some of you should decide what color you want to paint the nursery. Happy February! There’s no talking about love and all things emotional without considering the Moon, since it rules the emotions. Remember how last month had two New Moons? Well, in our time zone, February has no New Moons, making it a month of letting projects launched in January have a little time to pick up speed. It’s fine to foster things already in progress, but we don’t have that New Moon energy to support initiating new plans. The Moon shines full in Leo on February 16th. This placement asks us to find balance between romance and friendship. Another big February event occurs from the 17th through the 21st when expansive, lucky Jupiter forms a positive aspect to forward-thinking Uranus. This occurs in imaginative Pisces and practical Taurus. Wherever these fall in your chart, you’ll discover that you suddenly know how to make real those far-fetched, creative, even wacky ideas you’ve been entertaining. During these days, you might write ideas down, sketch them out, whatever it takes to capture your thoughts. This month isn’t the best time for project launches, but exploration and planning will pay off big time. Everyone excited for passionate, creative February? Hold on tight to that feeling because the United States will experience its first ever Pluto return on the 20th. This is the time when the God of the Underworld and ruler of wealth, returns to the exact position he held when the country was born. Pluto is about deep transformation, especially in the areas of power structures and economics. Pluto’s return is happening in Capricorn, the sign that represents the government and the status quo. During this period, we could see profound power struggles. Pluto also brings to the surface anything that has been buried. It’s very possible that previously guarded information could come to light. We might also experience some kind of extreme economic turmoil. For anyone into this kind of thing, you can see what Pluto returns have looked like for older countries. You might take an internet deep dive into the Pluto returns of Rome and England. Or maybe resist that urge, and instead whip up some hot cocoa, stack logs on the fire, and snuggle with your sweetly. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Kait Leonard

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