What Your Topanga Town Council Does for You


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What Your Topanga Town Council Does for You

What Your Topanga Town Council Does for You

The Topanga Town Council (TTC) has been actively engaged on behalf of our community since 1977, offering a range of essential services from safety and traffic issues to short-term rentals and the environment. On September 9th, the Town Council participated in the annual Topanga Safety Day event, hosted by the Fire Department and TCEP, featuring speakers and informational booths by many community and law enforcement agencies. The Council shared information about the ACCESS card program that gives residents access to the canyon following an emergency event. The event also hosted the local organizations that provide information about disaster preparedness. The broader aspect of the Council is acting as a liaison between the community and our elected officials, fire and law enforcement, and other governmental entities. Short-Term Rental Ordinance Currently, the TTC has been actively organizing the community to review and respond to the proposed Short-Term Rental (STR) Ordinance by developing and disseminating a survey to the community on proposed legislation. The Council also has organized a STR working group composed of a cross-section of residents to represent the community and meet in person to review multiple aspects of the proposed ordinance with a goal of recommending modifications to the ordinance and better serve the community. The first two working group meetings occurred on Oct. 19th and 25th and TTC plans to organize the community feedback into a cogent response to the L.A. County Supervisors on this important issue prior to voting in the coming months. Operation Safe Canyon By participating in the Operation Safe Canyon effort, TTC joins the Santa Monica Mountain communities, law enforcement, and the L.A. Department of Public Works to raise important concerns regarding street racing, dangerous driving, and road repair to the responsible agencies and elected officials. TTC seeks active and collaborative solutions to road conditions including measures to improve engineering, enforcement, and education in ways that will improve road safety. Protecting & Preserving the Santa Monica Mountains On the environmental front, the TTC continues its long tradition of environmental conservation to preserve the unique natural areas of the Santa Monica Mountains surrounding Topanga. Locally, Town Council members are advocating for LAUSD to resume funding the legally mandated rehabilitation of a unique five-acre oak woodland area of Topanga Elementary Charter School campus that was damaged in 2020 by LAUSD activity. TTC is also supporting an effort to strengthen our status as a pollinator community with a strong commitment to avoiding pesticides and planting native pollinator plants. We encourage the community to join us at our next open meeting at the Topanga Library on Wednesday.,Nov. 15th from 6–8 p.m. The Topanga Town Council is an all-volunteer team of committed residents. We would very much appreciate new volunteers to join us as we support our many community needs. For information or to get involved, please email contact@topangatowncouncil.org.

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