Warm Fuzzies for the Holidays

Kait LeonardBy Kait Leonard

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Warm Fuzzies for the Holidays

Warm Fuzzies for the Holidays

Thank the stars (and the lunar nodes) that we’re out of eclipse season! But December refuses to go gently into 2023! The year’s finale brings the forward movement of Neptune, the ingress of Jupiter into Aries, and of course, a Mercury retrograde to ring in the New Year. Around all of that, we have a divided month with the first two weeks dominated by planets in expansive Sagittarius, and then shifting for the end of the month into restrictive Capricorn. December opens with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the most optimistic sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius. Wherever this falls in your chart, you should experience an all-is-right kind of feeling. This is a time to communicate with loved ones, make plans for the holidays, and let your light shine. To add to the sparkle, this planetary party will be communicating with Jupiter and Neptune, both in their glory in Pisces, so expect this area of your chart to light up as well. Of course, nothing this year has been simple, and this configuration comes with one possible hiccup. These planets will form a difficult aspect to the retrograding Mars in Gemini, which will be with us until January 12th. Use a bit more caution in the sign of the twins until the planet of aggression and tension turns forward. The other big news for the first week of December is Neptune, the planet of spiritual union and idealism, but also illusion and delusion, will be turning direct in his home sign of Pisces on the 3rd. This energy should clear up some of that foggy feeling that’s been lingering since June. Expect to see things more clearly, communicate more easily, and experience a renewed sense of union with your people. And with Neptune’s connection to Venus in Sagittarius, warm fuzzies all around! Uh-oh! Remember that pesky Mars retrograding through Gemini? Guess where the Moon is going full on December 7th? There’s going to be a lot of energy in the social sign of the twins. But with a little advanced planning, it is possible to get some positive payoff out of this intense period. The Full Moon is a time of releasing that which no longer serves us. Retrogrades support reconsidering the topics associated with the planet, in this case the anger of Mars. This may be a beautiful time to let go of old grudges or even current disputes that aren’t leading anywhere good. Then prepare for a jolt on the 20th when Jupiter, the planet of exploration and expansion, enters Aries, the sign of impulsivity. Wherever this happens in your chart, you may find that you’re no longer able to take things slowly. You’ll be willing to fight to manifest your dreams and ready to jump head-first into your plans. Woe to the person who stands in your way. So while Jupiter’s journey through Aries might not be gentle, it may be a brilliant one. This energy sticks around until the middle of May. Just imagine how much you can make happen during that five-month period. The New Moon occurs on December 23rd in the sign of Capricorn. This is fantastic energy for building foundations. For many people, plans have faltered during eclipse season. If that’s the case, let the Moon support launching the project while Capricorn helps you build from the ground up. This may sound a little daunting coming right in the middle of the holiday season, but make a start. What you do during this energy will grow as the Moon travels through her waxing phase. As December moves on, so does the energy. The planetary party in optimistic and expansive Sagittarius that opened the month will shift into conservative Capricorn. This movement peaks with the Sun’s ingress into the sign of the goat on December 21st. Happy Yule! And Merry Solstice! This season invites us to come inside and spend long evenings with family and friends. It’s a time illuminated by the hearth fire, a time for sharing cocoa, cookies, beautiful memories, and dreams of the future. Just make sure to get all your merry-making in before December 29th because that’s when Mercury turns retrograde. Happy Holidays!
Photo by Taryn Elliott
Kait Leonard

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