Spring Gatherings & Fun at Kidiwische Corner


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Spring Gatherings & Fun at Kidiwische Corner

Spring Gatherings & Fun at Kidiwische Corner

Spring has come to Topanga, thanks to the rain, and the following sunshine. Kidiwische Corner is in bloom, and we are out gathering the early bounty of the garden, weeding, and sprucing up in preparation for the return of hands-on workshops outdoors in the garden, mindful of social distance and classes limited to 10 participants on a first come, first served basis. Light refreshments of native foods will be offered, but it is advised to bring your own lunch. We are also expanding the variety of offerings by craft persons and culture bearers who will share their skills and knowledge with participants. We are reopening at Kidiwische Corner with small, outdoor workshops to revive your connection with nature and spark your creativity. For more information: katcalls@aol.com. Sunday, March 13, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Dogbane and Milkweed Cordage. Peter Rice, currently a teacher for the Topanga Canyon Docents, has been an educator and scholar in the ecology and pre-history of the Los Angeles area, including the material culture of the Chaparral since 1984. He has worked with students and teachers in hands-on, fun-filled workshops using an interactive teaching style, including visuals, games, authentic crafts, sensory participation, and storytelling. Rice has presented training sessions for many organizations, including museums, nature organizations, elementary schools, cultural centers, and park systems. He has taught and presented craft workshops, creating items such as tools, games and musical instruments out of the natural materials of the chaparral. To register: doctorcaryopsis@gmail.com Sunday, March 27, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Acorns in Your Kitchen with Sarah Irani and Kat High. Topanga resident Sarah Irani is an artist and creator of “The Paradise Realm,” and an interpersonal transformationist. We are joining forces to share the ancient traditional way of preparing acorns for eating, and the modern, creative way of incorporating this nutritional food in your diet. Some cooking of traditional wiiwish and a modern adaptation will be included. To register: katcalls@aol.com Sunday, April 3, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Beginning Round Reed Baskets with Kat High. Make a twined basket from modern materials using traditional basket-weaving techniques with a modern twist.
High is a long-time resident of Topanga and a non-enrolled Native Californian of Hupa descent, who served as the Director and Program Coordinator for the Haramokngna American Indian Cultural Center for more than 15 years. She is an advisor to the Satwiwa American Indian Cultural Center, The Autry National Center, and the Antelope Valley Indian Museum, a non-voting member of the California Indian Basketweavers Association, and Neshkinukat, the California Indian artists network. She is also a member of the California Indian Storytelling Association.

Kat is the founder of Giveaway Song Productions and has produced several award-winning documentaries on the connections between California Indians and Native Hawaiians, and more than 200 public access TV programs on Indigenous culture. She, and her gathering garden were part of the Emmy award-winning documentary, “Tending the Wild,” and were included in the Jennifer Jewells book “Under Western Skies” To register: katcalls@aol.com

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