Spirit Abounds

Flavia PotenzaBy Flavia Potenza

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Spirit Abounds

Spirit Abounds

I’ve been exploring my religious roots of late. The Topanga Christian Fellowship Church is conveniently close, just two miles down the road, and the Chabad of Topanga is within walking distance up the other way. When I was growing up, we had four churches—Methodist, Roman Catholic, Episcopalian (my church), Presbyterian and a Jewish temple—in the middle of our town, a rustic little village surrounded by the Ramapo mountains, 30 miles west of New York City. Not unlike Topanga nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains just out of earshot of another thriving metropolis. We asked for messages from both of our local places of worship because they are here and thriving and maybe helping us believe in and revere what we can’t see. Michelle Klein, with her profound knowledge of the Bible, wrote about Jesus’ passion, the crucifixion and resurrection, and her own passion as a believer. Her husband, Pastor John Klein brings the Bible alive in his weekly messages at the Christian Fellowship Church, at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday now. (Page 8) Rabbi Mandi Piekarskyof Chabad of Topanga, offered wisdom of the ages derived from millennia of testimony through the Word of G-d and the reason bitter herbs are served at the Passover Seder. Life has never not been a struggle. (Page 9) The Spirit of Topanga also rules during this time. It’s Spring! Nature never doubts itself and appears more or less on cue, much like “Topanga Time.” The spirit also abides in secular events like the Topanga Community Center’s annual egg hunt and small, local treasure hunts for the children. (See Events, Page 14) Sarah Spitz has an interesting review of The Braid: No Jewish Story Untold (Page 10), followed by Kathie Gibboney’s “Corner of the Canyon,” with her teenage experiment with psychedelics into realms unknown. (Page 11). In the News (Pages 4-7), We catch up with our local Resource Conservation District. Have they ever been busy! It’s a great volunteer opportunity. Eric Fitzgerald is back, not with his “Fernwood Rain Report,” but a deeper look into the science of the Atmospheric Rivers we’ve been experiencing. (Page 6) Chris Conway is back with the first of what could be an ongoing series about the many facets of industrial hemp. It could be an important player in diverting climate change. (Page 7) Finally, realtor Tanya Starcevich gives us some perspective on the housing market. Thank you, all.
Photographer Carl Grooms caught a moment suspended in time of his beloved companion, Frannie, enthralled with the “Sunset Moon.” What a sense of peace it conveys.
Flavia Potenza

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