Ready? Set? GO! Buy Your Tickets Now (online)!

The Canyon ChronicleBy The Canyon Chronicle

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Ready? Set? GO! Buy Your Tickets Now (online)!

Ready? Set? GO! Buy Your Tickets Now (online)!

Topanga Days is right around the corner and it’s going to be well worth the price of admission to support your local community center. As usual, the event will be held at the Topanga Community Center (TCC), 1440 N. Topanga Canyon Boulevard, from 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sunday, May 29th, and Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th, and features five fabulous bands throughout both days, as well as hilariously fun games between each set. (find Band & Game lineups online) THE PARADE On Monday, May 30th, the Topanga Days Memorial Day Parade will feature a team of Grand Marshals, who made a huge impact on our community during the COVID-19 lockdown: Inara George, Jake Kasdan, Jed Levy and Kristina Rocco Levy. These outstanding community members stepped up with the TCC and Canyon Sages to feed and help our community’s seniors and those in need for over a year when the COVID pandemic hit. With the help of many loyal volunteers, they donated and delivered 17,000 meals, more than 1,000 food boxes and made more than 100 vaccination appointments for those struggling to get vaccinated. Their commitment to serve Topangans in need during the lockdown, as well as provide tasty dishes from Rocco’s Cucina was truly amazing. For this effort, and for decades of service to the Topanga community, the TCC chooses to distinguish them as our Parade Grand Marshals this year. The Parade starts promptly at 8:30 a.m. at Pine Tree Circle and ends at approximately 10 a.m. Floats begin lining up at Pine Tree Circle at 7 a.m., and Topanga Canyon Blvd. is closed to all traffic from 7 a.m.–10:30/11 a.m. There will be a blockade at Mulholland Drive and the Boulevard restricting traffic to Pine Tree Circle. Anyone traveling from the valley to PCH should plan to take Old Topanga Canyon Road. For information about the parade, the wonderful businesses that sponsored it this year and to register a float: SPONSORS Topanga Days is a non-profit fundraiser and an expensive event to host. We were fortunate to have a number of sponsors eager to support what has become a canyon tradition. Backbone Trail Sponsors. The TCC extends special thanks to: The Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation, Abacus Wealth Partners, The Wright Way Team with Compass Realty, Mananalu Water, and Snyder Sutton Real Estate.
Photo by Lucas Nelson Topanga Days 2019
Business Sponsors. TCC is also grateful to the following businesses for maintaining the parade this year: Abacus Wealth Partners; Adrian Wright and Jordan Wright of the Wright Way Team at Compass Realty; Brian Gibson of Jalan Jalan Imports and Topanga Rocks; Campion Walker Garden Design; Canyon Gourmet; Chryssa Lightheart, an I Never Quit Realtor; Endless Color; Exposition Studios; Homes To Die For Group; Kramer Insurance Service; Suncoast Mortgage; Topanga Living Café; Topanga Lumber; and William Preston Bowling, a Pritchett Rapf Realtor.

“Without all of these truly generous sponsors, this fundraiser would not be possible,” says Nonie Shore, VP of TCC Events & Fundraising. “The TCC is very excited to be able to bring back Topanga Days after a two-year hiatus due to COVID.”

Buy tickets online only: There will be no cash or credit card ticket sales at the door, just like every concert venue these days. Get your tickets now! Day-of mobile purchases may not be available due to limited capacity this year.

If you live in Topanga, join or renew your Community Center membership first for discount ticket prices and benefits throughout the year.

We hope that everyone will remember that this beloved Memorial Day canyon tradition is TCC’s largest and most important fundraiser. Remember, too, that volunteer board members are trying to keep it the safest event possible. Please check the website the week of the event regarding COVID protocols. Everything you need to know is at

There is no parking available on TCC grounds. Look for shuttles running up and down Topanga Canyon Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sunday and Monday.
For drivers, the TCC does not recommend parking on Cheney, Canyon Trail, Happy Trail and Summit. Have your tires OFF of the road on side streets with no white lines. Be sure to park legally along the Boulevard, inside the white lines, or you WILL BE TOWED. Cars blocking driveways or other access ways WILL BE TOWED. If you block fire truck access you WILL BE TOWED. Fire danger is real, and patrols will be in the canyon making sure roads are clear.

Shuttle stops are located on or near Topanga Canyon Blvd. between Old Town Center and Viewridge Estates. Watch for shuttle signs.
Shuttles are scheduled to run every 10-15 minutes, so please be patient!
Purchase tickets while you wait, or buy them right now at


Viewridge Estates Viewridge Estates Sign
The Corral (East side of Blvd.) At Santa Maria Road
Flying Pig Turnout (East side of Blvd.) Look for Flying Pig
Café 27 (West side of Blvd.) 1861 N. Topanga Blvd.
Community House (NO PARKING!) Community House Driveway Entrance
North of Oakwood (East and West sides) Oakwood Dr.
Froggy’s Fish Restaurant Froggy’s Fish Restaurant (West side of Blvd.)
Topanga School Road Bridge at Topanga School Road
Topanga Market Parking Lot at
Endless Color Pizza Endless Color – Parking Lot
(Read from bottom up for stops from South to North)
The Canyon Chronicle

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