Public Health Launches Gun Violence Prevention

Annemarie DonkinBy Annemarie Donkin

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Public Health Launches Gun Violence Prevention

Public Health Launches Gun Violence Prevention

A multi-point plan developed with community partners to reduce gun violence in L.A. County including a federal ban on assault weapons. On April 7, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health released a multi-point Gun Violence Prevention Platform to address gun violence impacting communities in Los Angeles County and across the United States. Using a public health approach to gun violence, the partners identified four key priority areas and accompanying strategies that will form the foundation of actions to be taken in 2023: 1. Gun Safety Legislation: Advocate for robust gun safety legislation, locally and nationally, including reinstatement of the federal ban on assault weapons and large capacity magazines. 2. Social Connections and Healing Services: Support efforts to promote social connections, healing practices, and a culture of peace. 3. Gun Violence Restraining Orders Awareness and Enforcement: Improve public awareness and access to gun violence restraining orders. Ensure that services, systems, and messaging are culturally relevant and make it easy for community residents to initiate gun violence restraining orders. 4. School Safety and Services: Increase access to comprehensive, culturally relevant physical and mental health supports and services for all K-12 students. Enhance school safety by implementing pilot initiatives in at least three school districts. The platform was developed and will be implemented by a diverse group of County and community partners including community and faith leaders, health care and mental health professionals, social service providers, and public health practitioners. The platform was informed by data that consistently shows the impact of systemic racism in perpetuating a cycle of violence that leaves young Black and Brown men in L.A. County experiencing the highest rates of death by firearms. “There have been far too many families and communities in L.A. County impacted by violence that is both predictable and preventable,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. “Stronger gun regulations and innovative solutions that are laid out in the Gun Violence Prevention Platform are necessary steps to address this crisis and prevent acts of violence—including mass shootings—that take the lives of friends, neighbors, and community members.” The platform was released on Friday, April 7, during Los Angeles County Public Health Week that recognizes public health contributions and highlights issues that are important to improve community health. “Gun violence is a public health issue,” said Susan Stone, MD, L.A. Care’s Senior Medical Director of Utilization and Care Management Services. “As the largest public health plan in the country, serving many who have suffered from gun violence, L.A. Care is committed to working with our county partners in taking a stand against gun violence and for gun safety, making people’s lives safer and healthier. And, as an ER doctor, I’ve seen the devastation of gun violence on families and want to help minimize the pain.” The Department of Public Health is committed to promoting health equity and ensuring optimal health and well -being for all 10 million residents of Los Angeles County. Through a variety of programs, community partnerships and services, Public Health oversees environmental health, disease control, and community and family health. Nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health comprises of more than 5,000 employees and has an annual budget of $1.3 billion. To view the entire plan: For more information and to get involved, contact the Office of Violence Prevention at: (626) 293-2610; or
Annemarie Donkin

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