Plague Punk: Steam Punk Goes Viral


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Plague Punk: Steam Punk Goes Viral

Plague Punk: Steam Punk Goes Viral

Topanga Canyon Gallery is pleased to present “Plague Punk: Steampunk Goes Viral  by Kitonius V Plumii,” aka Kit Plumridge, that opened August 1. The gallery will be open Saturdays and Sundays from noon–5 p.m., for three weeks on August 8, 9, 15, 16. The gallery will stay open later on August 8 to ensure social distancing. This fantastical show will also be shown by appointment. From the subtropical shores of South Africa’s east coast, to the vibrant shores of the U.S. west coast, Kit Plumridge has managed to create a diverse portfolio that reveals his unique, inter-continental skill set through a variety of media. Discovering his entrepreneurial and artistic talents at a young age, Kit honed his craft over the years, with his passion for sailing and surfing a source of endless inspiration.  His growing years provided a comprehensively eclectic palette, evident even in his more modern steampunk collections. His school days at a traditional Irish Catholic boarding school were interspersed by unforgettable holidays with family spent avoiding sharks in the KwaZulu-Natal surf. Conscripted into the South African army at 18, Kit’s death-defying encounters with a rogue African elephant and a pride of lions further deepened a love for the African wildlife that will forever remain.  At the age of 36, Kit  relocated with his family to California, finding a home in Malibu where he has resided the past 27 years. Drawing on inspiration from his African heritage, his family and the natural world, Kit creates vibrant seascape pieces on canvas and wood panels using an austere palette of oils and acrylics. His signature series of brightly-colored lifeguard towers, inspired by Ed Massey, reflect his detailed, complex, often photo-realistic style.
Photos by Rich Schmitt Photography
Topanga Canyon Gallery is an artist-owned mutual benefit corporation. It is located at 120 N Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga CA 90290. For more information:; August Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 5pm.
Kitonius V Plumii
Once a year, Kit unleashes his alter ego, Kitonius V Plumii, aka The Unstable Genius, creator of his notable steampunk artwork. His 2019 collection, “Steampunk Drawing Machine,” was incredibly well-received and precipitated his 2020 showcase, “Steampunk Instruments,” which features seven handmade musical instruments and accompanying characters in the style of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. The characters—either a torso or head-and-shoulder vignette—are donned in headgear crafted from burnished and Verdigris hand-stitched leather with natural waxed sinew. In line with the steampunk genre, Kit has taken a modern approach to the traditional by creating strong female characters which didn’t feature in the original 1800 narratives. n
—Megan Plumridge

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