Organic Treasures Matter to Earth Matterz

Kait LeonardBy Kait Leonard

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Organic Treasures Matter to Earth Matterz

Organic Treasures Matter to Earth Matterz

Food insecurity is a “top concern for the majority of Americans,” according to a recent Harris Poll commissioned by Bayer.* Climate change, economic uncertainty, and a precarious global situation with the war in Ukraine, have fueled the concern over sustainable food production, especially for small, organic family farms that have declined by 12%, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture Farm Typology. Fewer small farms is a big deal for consumers, as is the quality and diversity of food crops and the environment. For decades, when small, organic farmers proclaimed the importance of supporting community farming and organic practices, Kali Star listened. Ten years ago, she started Earth Matterz, bringing her unique version of a subscription-based, farm-to-table delivery of organic food and pick-up service to the community. Behind the business, however, is a passion to support small organic farmers. “By supporting local, organic farmers, we can nourish our bodies and heal the planet,” she says. Earth Matterz grew out of Star’s lifelong love of vegetables, her introduction to community-supported agriculture (CSA) delivery boxes, and her basic love of people, farmers, the earth, and her son, Zane, who contributed the Z to the company name. She is now committed to spreading information about the importance of small organic farmers to “the whole world.” To get a sense of Star’s passion for the earth’s bounty, simply visit the Earth Matterz website. So much more than a storefront for the delivery service, the site provides a feast for the senses and a whole lot of information. Of course, details about the delivery options are provided but don’t expect a boring list of box sizes and prices—although that information is there, too. On this life-affirming page neon oranges, deep green spigarello leaves, purple carrots, and ruby tomatoes, among many more fruits and veggies, testify to the nurturing qualities of lovingly grown food. Star strives to do more than sell organic produce. She wants to be of service to the community by educating and supporting consumers and then connecting them with local, organic farmers. The Farmers Star first became interested in farmers by attending the Encino farmers market with her family, but everything shifted for her when she started visiting farms. “I didn’t even know how amazing the farmers were until I showed up,” she says. Now she does everything possible to support these farmers who care deeply about their soil, preserving crops, and bringing the healthiest fruits and vegetables possible to the consumer. Star speaks passionately about the produce available that never makes it to the supermarket shelves, usually due to a shorter shelf-life. For example, she can barely contain her enthusiasm at the mention of tatsoi, a relative of mustard greens and bok choy. “If you know tatsoi, you love it!” Star promises. “People just don’t tend to buy it at the markets, and that’s tragic.” If there’s no market for a crop, the farmers simply can’t afford to grow it. To prevent this tragedy, Star buys as much as she can and includes it in her boxes. In doing so, she introduces customers to her beloved greens, while helping to ensure farmers will continue to invest in the crop. She works with a select group of local farmers who are listed by farm name on the Earth Matterz website. She also profiles the farmers through delightful stories about their histories, pet projects, and philosophies. Personal accounts of Star’s trips to the farms can be found in her blog under the “Farm Stories” heading. These aren’t the usual marketing pages. Like everything she does, Star makes the stories personal, bringing them to life by introducing real characters and letting them speak. In the story about the McGrath Family Farm, we meet Edgar, who works on the farm, owner Phil McGrath, and even Phil’s favorite tractor. Through their stories, Star brings us with her to explore the farms, places so essential to all of us. The Customers Farmers and organic produce aren’t all Kali Star cares about. Developing personal relationships with her customers is also high on her list of priorities. “I get calls from customers all the time,” she says. “Spigarello can change someone’s life, and they can’t wait to tell me about it.” She feels that here in the big city with the traffic and hectic schedules, people long to connect to simple things. She firmly believes that her produce boxes go far beyond fruits and vegetables. They’re about a community of consumers connecting to health, the earth, and the future. For people who might feel intimidated by an alien vegetable showing up in their kitchen, the Earth Matterz website provides recipes with gorgeous pictures. If you don’t know what to do with a Tokyo turnip, you can try kohlrabi and turnip salad. Spigarello got you scratching your head? Start with the roasted spigarello pesto for a nice twist on a classic. And for customers still not sure, there’s the option of adding prepared soups to the order. Each soup is made from items from that week’s harvest. Star’s Vision In this time of growing uncertainty about the future of our planet, Kali Star brings a twinkling of hope. Through Earth Matterz, she provides evidence that a single, dedicated person can bring about a whole lot of positive change. Her company serves as a model for how we can shift our thinking about food, community connection, and farming practices. Her website offers a wealth of information to support consumers in making simple shifts in their purchasing practices that can support the land, dedicated farmers, and the crops that might easily become extinct without them. Kali Star, through her business, Earth Matterz, works every day to literally save the world and invites us all to join her. For more information and to order: *Bayer commissioned The Harris Poll to conduct an online poll about the important topic of Food Security in America. The research was conducted online in the USA by The Harris Poll among 2,010 adults in June 2022.
Never heard of Spigarello or tatsoi? Kali Star’s farm-to-table organic fruits and vegetables add excitement to your plate while supporting local, organic farmers and ultimately the earth.
Get a taste of Earth Matterz with a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscription. What comes in your box? That depends on what the farmers have harvested. Each season produces a different variety of fruits and vegetables. That’s part of what makes the subscription service fun! To explore CSA options, recipes, and the charming farm stories, Earth Matterz is at
CSA Boxes include:

• Mixed Fruit and Veggies: Small, Full, Family, and Large, ranging in price from $22.50 to $48.
• All Veggies: Full and Large, from $28 to $48.
• Fruit Only: Small and Heavy, from $15 to $28.


In addition to the CSAs, Earth Matterz offers special items that can be added on to the order. Choose from bakery items, farm-fresh eggs, honey, additional fresh fruit or vegetables, dried fruit and nuts, soups, condiments, medicinal teas, seeds, grains, lentils, and beans.
Looking for the perfect gift? Share the earth’s bounty by purchasing a gift certificate.
Introducing the Treasure Box

This little gem is packed with Kali Star’s picks of the week. She hopes this box will inspire customers to explore, expand, and create. It is designed for people who want a few of Kali’s favorite seasonal picks of the week. It works well for people who are busy or not cooking as often, and still want to support the best farms. You’ll enjoy some of the more rare varieties when available. It has some of the higher-priced produce and is manageable in size. It also works well for people who want just a little bit of produce along with their choice add-ons. It’s a delicious choice! The size of the Treasure Box will fluctuate, staying on the smaller side, perfect for sampling and adding a little novelty to the daily menu.($28)
Confused about kohlrabi?
Kali Star recommends this unexpected but simple salad. It even changes colors when mixed! What could be more fun?
Kohlrabi &
Purple Carrot Salad
1 Bunch Kohlrabi
1 Big Purple Carrot
2 tbs. Olive Oil
1 Lime
1 Jalapeno Fresh Basil Leaves

• Shave the kohlrabi and carrot skins.
• Julienne the kohlrabi and the carrot separately.
• Dice the jalapeno in little pieces. Fry it in oil until it’s charred.
• Juice the time in a bowl and pour the jalapeno in the lime juice.
• Mix the carrot with the kohlrabi. Then pour the lime juice w/ jalapeno in the mix, and add salt. Use tongs to mix the ingredients and watch the colors change!
• Drizzle olive oil, adding more if you like.
• Mix in some fresh basil leaves.
Enjoy within 1-2 days

For additional inspiring recipes, visit the Earth Matterz website at
Kait Leonard

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