May’s Cosmic Fire

Kait LeonardBy Kait Leonard

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May’s Cosmic Fire

May’s Cosmic Fire

Aries energy dominates May, as Venus, Jupiter, and Mars join Chiron in the fiery sign of the ram. Mid-month brings a total lunar eclipse, and May closes with a New Moon and Mercury retrograde. Get ready for big energy and fated changes. May opens with Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus in Pisces. We’ve been feeling big emotions with both Jupiter and Neptune, the joint rulers, both at home in the sign of the fish. But all of that is about to change as planets begin their exodus from the feelings of Pisces into the action of Aries. Venus joins Chiron in Aries on May 2nd. This ushers in a period of healing our wounded hearts, as Venus, the planet of love, connects with the cosmic healer in me-centered Aries. It’s a perfect time to work on self-care and healing what ails us. Jupiter, the greater beneficent, joins the party on May 10th, reuniting the two most positive planets in the sky, Jupiter and Venus, in a sign that gives them the juice to take action. Blessings abound in the house occupied by the ram. But Aries supports those who act. So May is not the month for sitting back and waiting for goodness to rain down. Aries says “Go get your prize!” So what are you waiting for? The first half of May feels big and bold, but just wait until Mars, the ruler of Aries, crosses into his own sign on the 24th. Mars hated (a Mars word) being in Pisces. The gladiator planet wants nothing to do with the sensitive Piscean waters. But he sits on his throne in the assertive, take-action sign of the ram. In his rulership, Mars brings us his best qualities. We’ll have the energy and courage to face issues head-on in whatever area of life Aries occupies. Throughout most of May, the cluster of planets in Aries will make a positive aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, a sign he rules. This means these planets will send a giant energy jolt to the house inhabited by Aquarius. But it also means that Saturn will positively support the tribe in Aries, adding some common sense and stick-to-it energy to impulsive Aries actions. Aries supports initiating and Saturn lends the ability to stay with the plans we set in motion and see them through. But hold tight. The cluster of planets in Aries isn’t the only story for May. Mercury stations turn retrograde in Gemini on the 10th. The cosmic messenger will travel back into Taurus and then turn direct on June 3rd. This will be a time of reconsidering ideas in order to make necessary revision. Mercury will be moving backward during the full moon of May 15th, which just happens to be a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Think of a lunar eclipse as a super-charged full moon and toss in the craziness of Mercury retrograde. Happy mid-May! The eclipse will mark dramatic, abrupt, and destined changes to life in the Scorpio/Taurus houses. Get ready to experience endings in the sign of Scorpio that will pave the way for new beginnings, most likely in Taurus-related matters, e.g., comfort, stability, security. This eclipse will be even more dramatic than most because Mars and Neptune in the sign of Pisces are in relationship with both the Sun and the Moon. KA-POW! Something’s getting metaphorically blown to bits, and secrets will be revealed. Finally, the New Moon happens on May 30th in the sign of Gemini. This is a time of new ideas, inspiration, and social activity. Mercury, who is still in retrograde at the end of the month, rules Gemini, so check and double check your new ideas and plans, and prepare for unexpected surprises. But everything should work out fine when Mercury goes direct again on June 3rd. Mars and Jupiter are still in Aries and making a positive aspect to the New Moon, so we’ll have the energy to put our new, well-considered plans into motion. The fires of Aries burn bright and strong in May. Just remember that fire means energy, action, and excitement. Here’s to a brilliant May for us all.
Picture by Adonyi Ga’bor Aries, the fiery Ram brings big energy and fated changes.
Kait Leonard

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