Larry Coulson—1945-2020

The Canyon ChronicleBy The Canyon Chronicle

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Larry Coulson—1945-2020

Larry Coulson—1945-2020

Topanga has lost an original.  Larry Coulson passed away suddenly but peacefully on August 31 after complications from cancer. In his final moments, he was hand in hand with Shelley, his wife of 44 years, and his daughter and son, Torie and Trevor. Larry Coulson was born on April 19, 1945 in Texas but grew up in Manhattan Beach where he met Shelley playing volleyball. They fell madly in love and led a classic California ‘70s hippie life full of adventure, even crashing a sail boat off the coast of Baja and being deserted for a couple weeks. Larry was an avid sailor and a Vietnam Veteran of the Navy. He sailed around the world and surfed all the best spots. Settling in Topanga 43 years ago and raising his children and then grandchildren, his Topanga roots run deep. He built the family home, which has survived fires, floods, a multitude of animals, with his own two hands and his spirit is most definitely there. After retiring, his dream was to build a second home in Baja which he did. He was a jack of all trades and a master of many. He could pretty much do anything he set his mind to. He was a staple at the lumber yard and refused to pay anyone to do anything because he was determined to do it himself… and he did!  Larry was one of the best story tellers you could ever experience. He had stories of sailing Fleetwood Mac’s boat thru the Panama Canal, playing in a band in a bar in Japan during the Vietnam War, working the slopes in Mammoth in the winters, skinny dipping in cold rivers in Washington State. His stories never got old and to be an audience to one of his memories was a privilege.  He loved his family, the sea, birdwatching, tequila, reading, visits from his wild grandkids, Baja, Topanga, working on his old yellow Porsche, VW, buggy or whatever car he had in rotation. He was a cherished husband, father, and grandfather. Truth be told, 75 years was not enough but he lives on in this beautiful green and dusty canyon and in the hearts of his family. With love Shelley, Trevor and Torie
The Canyon Chronicle

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