‘Sing Out! for LGBTQ+ Rights’ at the Theatricum on Aug. 23

Annemarie DonkinBy Annemarie Donkin

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‘Sing Out! for LGBTQ+ Rights’ at the Theatricum on Aug. 23

‘Sing Out! for LGBTQ+ Rights’ at the Theatricum on Aug. 23

Tret Fure, Peter Alsop, and Emma’s Revolution will perform a benefit concert for the Human Rights Campaign to battle anti-LGBTQ+ legislation! The Human Rights Campaign needs your help! Within an increasingly divided electorate, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people do not have full equality in the United States—and the rights already in place are being stripped away at lightning speed. With an election coming up next year, the United States appears to be going backward on equal rights under the law. The House of Representatives has scheduled votes on bills that directly target the basic freedoms, health and dignity of transgender people. These efforts have been pushed forward by the most extreme anti-LGBTQ+ House members. Additionally, more than 525 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in 41 states this year alone, and more than 75 have become law. It is a state of emergency! To bring awareness, understanding and support, renowned singers and songwriters Tret Fure, Peter Alsop, and Emma’s Revolution will perform “A Benefit Concert for the Human Rights Campaign” at the Theatricum Botanicum on Wednesday, Aug. 23 from 7 to 9 p.m. Attend the Concert in Person or Online! “Sing OUT! with Tret Fure, Peter Alsop & Emma’s Revolution” will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. at the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga, CA. Or buy tickets to watch the live-stream concert online. All profits from donations and ticket sales will go to support the Human Rights Campaign. In Person: $40 — Equal Rights Supporter; $25 — Adults; $20 — Seniors (62+ w/ ID); Veterans (w/ ID); and Teens (14–17) Streaming Online: Tickets for streaming/replay online: $40—Equal Rights Supporter; $25—General Admission. (This ticket grants streaming to Sing OUT! on Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. PST.) For tickets: (310) 455-3723; or theatricum.com/sing-out For more information or to donate: hrc.org The Human Rights Campaign For more than 40 years, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has created the most powerful movement for equality the United States has ever seen. With more than three million members and supporters nationwide, they are the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest, and safe at home, at work, and in the community. Yet, the most marginalized still suffer from violence, discrimination and fear. The goal of the HRC is to ensure that all LGBTQ+ people, and particularly those of us who are trans, people of color and HIV+ are treated as full and equal citizens within our movement, across our country and around the world.
Peter Alsop joins singer-songwriters Tret Fure and Emma’s Revolution to bring awareness, understanding and support to the LGBTQ+ community in a benefit concert. More than 525 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in 41 states this year alone, and more than 75 have become law.
About the Artists.
Tret Fure is a singer-songwriter, prominent in the women’s music and folk music scene.

At the age of 19, she toured with Spencer Davis as a guitarist and vocalist which led to her releasing her own album for MCA, produced by the late Lowell George of Little Feat. In the ’80s and ’90s she worked as a duo with Cris Williamson. Over her 53-year career, she has released 18 albums and has engineered and produced recordings by a variety of classic women’s music artists. Tret also served for six years as President of Local 1000, The Traveling Musicians Association-union geared toward helping traveling musicians find security and longevity. tretture.com

Peter Alsop is a singer/songwriter, lecturer and humorist from California, noted for the warmth and insight of his presentations. He holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and his songs are used by thousands of parents, doctors, educators and other human service professionals to help families discuss sensitive issues such as sexual abuse, disabilities, loss and grief, codependency, self-worth, chemical dependency and family violence.

“Every year or so, I do an ‘Alsop For Adults’ concert at the Theatricum in Topanga,” he wrote. “I suggest that parents leave their kids home and come out for an evening of my ‘adult’ songs. Then I heard the Human Rights Campaign declare “a state of emergency,” because LGBTQ+ people in this country face more than 525 bills that have been introduced in 41 states, that discriminate against them and take away their rights as U.S. citizens. More than 75 have already become law. I knew I needed some help to get the message across, that passing those bills is ‘not okay!’ So, I invited my friends, singer-songwriters Pat Humphries & Sandy O, known as ‘Emma’s Revolution,’ and Tret Fure to come and ‘Sing OUT!’ in concert with me to support the HRC, who will use the funds to lobby to defeat these bills and to educate local voters about the issues. Thanks.” peteralsop.com

Emma’s Revolution. Known for their fearless, truth-telling lyrics and melodies you can’t resist singing, Emma’s Revolution is the award- winning activist duo of Pat Humphries & Sandy O. Now in their 20th year, the duo writes songs about critical issues happening in the world, lending their voices to the movements those issues inspire and delivering moving, uplifting performances, whether on stage or on screen. Emma’s Revolution’s songs have been praised by Pete Seeger, covered by Holly Near and sung around the world.

As independent artists and queer and non-conforming women, Emma’s Revolution has a national presence among communities, organizations and venues that share the duo’s vision of valuing people over profit, choosing compassion over violence, demanding accountability and building a more just and sustainable world.

In the spirit of Emma Goldman’s famous attribution, “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution,” Emma’s Revolution brings their uprising of truth and hope to concerts and peace & justice, labor, human rights, environmental, LGBTQ+ and women’s rights events. In their touring in the before-times, Emma’s Revolution performed at live events throughout the U.S. and around the world in Canada, Scotland, England, Israel/Palestine, Nicaragua, Cuba, Chile and Korea.
“Our work has always been about building connection, love and justice through song,” the duo says.

Not many performing groups make it to the 20-year mark and Emma’s Revolution credits their staying power to the depth of their friendship and their commitment to justice and the justice-seeking communities they perform for.
“Especially in these challenging times—with the war in Ukraine and the continuing effects of the pandemic—we are buoyed and inspired by the activists and communities we work with. Singing is part of what keeps us grounded and connected to one another,” reflects Humphries.

Sandy O continues, “We love that folks seek us and our music out to keep themselves energized. After performing throughout the pandemic, we’re excited to be touring and performing in-person, again and to be coming to Topanga.”
Emma’s Revolution has performed at hundreds of online events, including concerts, festivals, church services and political events organized by regional, national and international groups, throughout the pandemic.

“We’ve played at Corazon in Topanga but mainly at the Theatricum with tributes to Pete Seeger, who was a friend of ours,” said Humphries. “We can and we have [played in the South]. Truth is, there are always pockets of people on the ground painted as red states who are doing great work and making a difference on a regular basis.”

Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum is located at 1419 North Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Topanga, midway between Malibu and the San Fernando Valley. The amphitheater is terraced into the hillside, so audience members are advised to dress casually (warmly for evenings) and bring cushions for bench seating. Patrons are welcome to arrive early to picnic in the gardens before a performance. For more information, go totheatricum.com.
Annemarie Donkin

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