In March Celebrate ‘Dadgum That’s a Good Day!’

Kait LeonardBy Kait Leonard

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In March Celebrate ‘Dadgum That’s a Good Day!’

In March Celebrate ‘Dadgum That’s a Good Day!’

With Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras making March sizzle, it’s hard to imagine that anyone’s feeling short on celebration. But if you do need more party, this month has you covered. March 1st is National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day, kicking off National Women’s History Month. This day honors black women’s often overlooked contributions to the arts. On a far less serious note, it’s time for National Dadgum That’s Good Day. Gather the family, share favorite dishes and let the good times roll. If you toss some celery into the pot you can tick off National Celery Month. Compliment the cook and you’ve covered World Compliment Day. March 2nd is National Old Stuff Day, a time to declutter (See “Buy Nothing Topanga,” Page 10), but don’t throw out that old copy of “Cat in the Hat” because it’s also Dr. Seuss’ birthday. And in the spirit of Seuss’ imaginative creatures, you can have some fun on the 3rd during National If Pets Had Thumbs Day. March 4th can prove challenging since it’s both National Pound Cake Day and World Obesity Day. Fortunately, it’s also Marching Music Day. So try this—eat a pound of cake, then grab some sandpaper blocks (remember those?) and march off those calories while entertaining your neighbors. Keep the instruments on the ready because the 5th brings us National Cheese Doodle Day, followed on the 7th by the national days for cereal and flapjacks and even the start of British Pie Week. March on! March 8th is both International Women’s Day and Be Nasty Day (Remember Trump’s “Nasty Women” remark when “nasty” became a badge of honor for women?). Let go of baggage on the 9th for National Get Over it Day. On the 10th celebrate International Day of Awesomeness, because you know you are. Finally, for the daring among us, tempt fate on the 13th for National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day! Pro Tip: Skip this when the 13th falls on a Friday. That would be too foolhardy. Drag out your old knock-knock and bad-dad (or mom) jokes because the 19th is National Let’s Laugh Day. Did you know the first American TV show to use a laugh track was “The Hank McCune Show” in 1950? So, why did the rubber chicken cross the road? She wanted to stretch her legs. The 19th just happens to also be National Poultry Day. The 21st is both World Puppetry Day and World Poetry Day. So we have the puppets recite a sonnet or two, and we’re celebrating with efficiency. Then on the 22nd, we celebrate National Goof Off Day and As Young as You feel Day. On the 24th you’re welcome to pick your poison. Cocktail? Chocolate Covered Raisins? Cheesesteak? Yes. Yes. And yes! Still not satisfied? March 26th has you covered because it’s Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. I do want to point out something a little questionable here. The 27th is National Joe Day. Do Joes still get to have the 26th? It seems a little greedy. After an exhausting month of celebrating, take full advantage of National Virtual Vacation Day on the 30th. Anyone got an extra hammock? REFERENCE:
Photo by robert Zunikoff
Kait Leonard

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