I love Wikipedia! And Google!

Flavia PotenzaBy Flavia Potenza

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I love Wikipedia! And Google!

I love Wikipedia! And Google!

October 27, 2023 “The Halloween holiday has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “SAH-win”), a pagan religious celebration to welcome the harvest at the end of summer, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.” October 31 is the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Saints’ Day, remembering the saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed. Happy Halloween and the start of our holiday season. IN OUR PAGES Short-Term Rentals dominates the news this time and the Topanga Town Council (TTC) has not skipped a beat in addressing it. When Topanga raises its voice, people listen. We hope you hear and complete TTC’s urgent request to complete the survey they just created ASAP. (Page 4) We have Letters on that page, too. Nonie Shore shares her opinion about STRs and a surprise letter from a former Topanga resident now living in Ohio, recalls the beginnings of the Topanga Enrichment Program (TEP) when it was called the Booster Club. The Canyon Chronicle gets around, doesn’t it! Topanga Elementary Charter School (TECS) made the news with K and TK teacher Amy Weisberg’s account of the benefits of LAUSD’s Cultural Arts Passport Program that brings additional benefits to its students… like puppets (Page 6) In these days of overwhelming global chaos, Topanga’s houses of worship bring light to the darkness. (Page 7) Join us as we honor the passing of multi-talented artist Leslie Doolin as lovingly recounted by her sons, Matt and Paul Doolin. (Pages 8-9) You wouldn’t think of an engagement party as a dysfunctional event. Columnist Sarah Spitz suggests The Engagement Party, playing at the Geffen Playhouse through Nov. 5 for a glimpse into the underbelly of a happy event gone sideways. (Page 10) “Is there ANY place that I can get accurate news?” Columnist Joel Bellman answers Jessica Chastain’s query. (Page 11) Paula LaBrot’s mission in her column is to enlighten us about the time-consuming task of “debunking fake news,” and urges us to “Pray for peace.” That seems to be a bit of a theme for this edition. We didn’t plan it that way. (Page 12) On a personal note, you might notice my ads for affordable housing are back. Almost as soon as I moved in to my rental, I was asked to leave. I’m learning the hard lessons of “One step, one day at a time.” On an even more personal note: Lamar Hawkins aka Lara Parker of the TV daytime series, Dark Shadows, passed away on October 12. Lamar and I met in summer stock in the ’70s, when she was hired as the lead actress and I was choreographing the two musicals, The Boyfriend and South Pacific. We were roommates and became close friends. She was my son’s godmother and is my reason for moving to Topanga in 1975. Her family is planning a memorial, Date TBA. My heart hurts. “What is grief if not love persevering?” —Marvel Super Hero, Vision
Artist David Anson Russo is our go-to person when we’re stuck for inspiration like the last issue’s cover of an owl family and now, here, perhaps with the patriarch of the family. We are so grateful for his generosity.
Flavia Potenza

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