Help Make Fire Insurance Affordable in Topanga

The Canyon ChronicleBy The Canyon Chronicle

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Help Make Fire Insurance Affordable in Topanga

Help Make Fire Insurance Affordable in Topanga

This is a community service message from the Topanga Town Council who asks you to please submit your brush clearance and other fire prevention efforts NOW! It’s that time of year again, time to input your annual brush clearance and other home-hardening activities into our community database so that Topanga residents continue to qualify for a Firewise-based insurance discount. If we do not demonstrate that a critical mass of residents is undertaking Firewise activities, then we do not qualify for the Firewise discount. It’s that simple and that IMPORTANT. What Do I Submit? Be sure to input all the activities that you’ve performed on your property or around your home to reduce your risk from wildfires into our community database. These activities are tallied, de-identified and submitted to the NFPA and Cal Fire to qualify Topanga residents for a discount on wildfire insurance. Common activities that many Topanga residents report include things like clearing their brush; trimming trees and bushes; cleaning their rain gutters and under-porch areas of flammable debris; replacing their crawlspace and roof vents; replacing their wood mulch with gravel or crushed stone; attending workshops and webinars on home hardening and emergency preparedness; repairing or upgrading their siding or roofing materials; and various other activities. For more ideas, check out the list of Firewise-qualifying activities available on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) website. ( Explore Local Resources and Expertise The Topanga Canyon Firesafe Council (TCFSC) has a treasure trove of webinars and product suggestions on their website. They focus on cost-effective and easy-to-implement solutions for residents. The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains (RCDSMM) offers a free Home Ignition Zone program for locals. Topanga Arson Watch provides an invaluable community service by organizing volunteers to conduct patrols on Red Flag Days. TCEP holds various programs, like the HAM radio program, to help residents prepare for, and stay apprised of emergencies. TCEP also helps maintain a “Neighborhood Network†program so that residents in different areas can work together to prepare for emergencies and potential evacuations. The Access Card program, operated by the Topanga Town Council provides residents with an ID featuring their Zone number (and useful emergency contact information) ready to display to first responders during resident-only road closures and evacuations to facilitate re-entry. Learn more about why you need a card, and order yours today. ( *Note that Topanga’s Zone map was recently revised, so it’s important to double-check your address using the new interactive Zone map system to make sure you know your current Zone. Please take two minutes — right now — to report your Firewise activities on the following brief form! ( Together, we can be firesafe by doing our individual and collective parts to make this community Firewise!
The Canyon Chronicle

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