February is Valentine’s Day and More
Of course, most of us love Valentine’s Day, but February is a month of holidays.
We have Chinese New Year opening the shortest month of the year, followed by Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day. But if you’re looking for more to celebrate (and who isn’t?) we’ve got you covered for the rest of the month.
We missed National Tater Tot Day on February 2nd, but you can bust out the air fryer any day with this fun tater tot fact: F. Nephi Grigg, the inventor of the tasty tater treat, has been quoted as saying of his contribution to the 1954 National Potato convention, “These were all gobbled up faster than a dead cat could wag its tail.” I’m not sure how fast that actually is, but tater tots are just plain American goodness.
Talking about good food, on the 3rd, plan to prepare a feast for feathered friends on Feed the Birds Day. On the 7th, you might Send a Card to a Friend, and perhaps invite them to meet you on the 8th for National Kite-Flying Day. If you remember the old candy bar ad, “Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t,” you can be as nutty as you want on the 16th, because it’s National Almond Day. And since the 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day, you might be tempted to send a box of chocolate covered almonds to a friend. But don’t! Their day is February 25th..
If you’re looking for old-fashioned fun to brighten your days, gather friends and family for International Tug of War Day on the 19th. It’s reported that Vikings used animal skins stretched across a fire pit. Talk about incentive to win. While a good spirit of competition is encouraged, please stop short of the fire pit. Either way, you’ll be famished after all that tugging, so jump into National Sticky Bun Day on the 21st. Then wash those buns down with a frosty Margarita on the 22nd, which is National Margarita Day. (If you thought that was every Friday, you’re not alone.)
Food continues to occupy center stage at the end of the month with National Banana Bread Day on the 23rd (also International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, so you can share your treats), Peanut Butter Day on the 24th, Pancake Day on the 25th, and Pistachio Day on the 26th.
Wow! After all that eating, you might want to schedule a tug-of-war rematch to work off some calories.
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels
Follow up International Tug of War Day on the 19th with National Sticky Bun Day on the 21st.