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Dear Reader,

Dear Reader,

The Spring equinox arrived on March 20. The Druids, whose belief system is based on the four solstices and the four equinoxes, call this period, “Alban Eilir, The Light of the Earth.” In spring, days and nights are of equal length. I take my cue from the Druids and experiment with balancing light and dark. March 20 3 Sisters band, HAIM. Their new album is “Women in Music, Pt.lll.” Mary Kay: “Where we are is far, but we are getting closer. I open the March 19, 2021, issue of The Canyon Chronicle. The editor, Flavia Potenza, ceded the editorial space to my column about praise. I thank her for her faith in me when I don’t often value myself. March 21 Jane Marla Robbins: PATRICIA BOSWORTH, 1933-2020 // Patty, Patty how could it have got you, / You so smart (not smart enough)? / Who did you hug, what book pick up, / What gossip with a virus entered your ear, / And you so brilliant—thirteen books, / Of journalist craft and healing heart? // How dare you let it get you, this virus invisible/To the naked eye and you so visible: Moderator / At The Actors Studio;/Audrey Hepburn’s best friend/ In a movie; on talk shows for your books— / On Brando, Fonda, Monroe. On the suicides /Of your brother and your father. // Fifty-two years you were my friend, meting out/ Tough love; sharing your own self-doubt/Still there at eighty-three; you always saying/You believed in me (which always shocked me),/ And me intimidated by your fame. Jealous, even, / But grateful in the end. Because you saw me, /Loved me, were my friend. There are 15,500 unaccompanied minors in government custody now. When dancer/choreographer Twyla Tharp came to Manhattan from California in the 1960s and took classes at the Martha Graham School, we became friends. Early on, Tharp started choreographing and in 1965 I performed in her short film, “Stride.” I remember very little other than we female dancers, costumed in leotards and tights, were filmed on a Brooklyn rooftop. Tharp’s movement, a disciplined, slouchy style, a simultaneous mix of ballet, modern, jazz, and social dancing, hit the dance scene when Artistic Director, Robert Joffrey of the Joffrey Ballet, commissioned Tharp to create a work for his company. With her superb female dancers and the Joffrey, and to the music of the Beach Boys, she created the joyful, eye-candy, “Deuce Coupe.” In 1973, she collaborated with American Ballet Theatre and world-famous Russian defector, Mikhail Baryshnikov, in “Push Comes to Shove.” Under Tharp’s direction, Baryshnikov who was perhaps the greatest male ballet dancer, morphed into an American modern dancer. His opening solo I saw as a tribute to Charlie Chaplin. Over the years, the Twyla Tharp Dance Company performed in concert venues, on Broadway and in films. At 79, Twyla Tharp is an American icon whose choreography expanded the boundaries of what we call dance. March 22 With the $1.9 billion-dollar stimulus package, President Biden has quietly created huge social reform. MK: “Where we are is far, but we are getting closer.” Washington Post: Evanston, IL, leads the country with a first reparations program for Black residents. 2 mass shootings in one week, 6 of 8 Asian women massacred in Atlanta, GA, and 10 people killed in a supermarket in Boulder, CO. Paris and other regions are on lockdown; however, chocolate stores and florists are considered essential businesses and remain open. Vive la France!!! March 23 Strange Tuesday. I kept thinking it’s Monday. A decade of massacres and no matter how many are needlessly killed, Americans are unmoved by death. MK: Where we are is far… March 24 It’s a pleasure to speak French with my Parisian cousin, Yves. He tells me how difficult the vaccine rollout has been in France. This Saturday is the first day he’ll be able to even schedule an appointment. He’s not sure which vaccines are available. He also mentions that in Serbia where his wife Vera originates, more than 20% of the population have been vaccinated. Is Serbia really an underdeveloped country? MK: … but we are getting closer. On April 13 at 6 p.m., my co-host, Millicent Borges-Accardi and I are doing our first virtual LOOSE LIPS event produced by The Topanga Library to celebrate April’s Poetry Month. Craig Fischer will be managing the event and we’re excited to birth LOOSE LIPS online. March 25 CBS News: “3,000 hate incidents directed at Asian Americans nationwide have been recorded since the start of the pandemic.” Many more are unreported. March 26 I awake happily greeting this day when my daughter and granddaughter will arrive. They’ll take a rapid COVID-19 test and will soon be flown on American Airlines’ wings to LAX. My family heart space waits to be filled. MK: Where we are is far, but we are getting closer. March 27 New York Times: As of today’s date: “Roughly a third of the adult population has received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccination. March 28 Epilogue: A hazy, distant energy appears in my dream. Will it come closer?
PHOTO BY SARAH RAMASSY The deer are prolific this year and this stag paid a visit to Jean Colonomos’ back yard.

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