Cultural Arts Passport Program Benefits Students

Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.By Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.

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Cultural Arts Passport Program Benefits Students

Cultural Arts Passport Program Benefits Students

October 27, 2023 The Cultural Arts Passport (CAP) program promoted by LAUSD during the last school year, was by all measures, a success. Schools were able to fund field trips and purchase much needed supplies. At Topanga Elementary Charter School (TECS), we were able to stock our art room, provide teachers with a budget to purchase classroom supplies for art projects and performances and purchase new sound equipment for the auditorium. We also had a school-wide assembly of Alice in Wonderland from the Guild Opera that was greatly appreciated.
Above: Puppeteers Daisy Hernandez and Kahbia Sada performing Left: Students Ajah and Jude Ball (faces showing)
For this school year, the funding for the CAP program has changed and is derived from State funds called the Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP). These funds come with substantial strings attached, mainly that all funded activities must take place on weekends or be an extension of the school day. As the CAP Champion (the teacher who develops and facilitates the CAP program), I was tasked with developing a plan under these new guidelines and am striving to provide a variety of experiences that will both entertain and enrich the children through the arts and sciences.

After collaborating with teachers, and parents, including Topanga Enrichment Program (TEP) board members, Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) members and Science Committee members, we developed a plan that will enrich the children’s learning experiences throughout this school year.

Our first CAP event on Sunday, October 15th was a performance by the world-famous Bob Baker Marionettes in the school auditorium. This event was free for TECS families and almost 200 people attended the Halloween Spooktacular show! The children delighted in the life-size marionettes who interacted with the audience and the parents enjoyed the retro soundtrack that accompanied the show. The children were invited to wear costumes and a question-and-answer period followed the show. CAP funds paid for the Bob Baker Marionettes fees.

The Cultural Arts Program is providing funds we have not gotten in the past. These funds are enriching our educational programs, providing experiences for all students, and enabling our students to learn to perform, explore and expand their education.
Amy Weisberg, M.Ed.

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