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It was by chance that I came upon a book titled “UFOs Over Topanga Canyon,” which sent me down a rabbit hole that ultimately introduced me to the subject of this weeks interview: Preston Dennett, the author of “UFOs over Topanga Canyon,” who has written 20 books, as well as more than 100 articles about aliens, cryptids, and UFO’s. He’s regarded as a leading expert and authority when it comes to all things Alien. Miles Erickson: In your book, “UFOs over Topanga Canyon” you mentioned calling the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriffs station and telling them about your UFO sighting. What was your experience like dealing with law enforcement about UFOs? Are they helpful, dismissive? Do they take the sightings seriously? In the book you mention them as being pretty forthcoming with information, which I found surprising. Preston Dennett: When I found out that Topanga Canyon was a UFO hotspot, and that people were calling the officers to report their encounters, I called the sheriffs station, informed them that I was a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and would it be okay if I gave them my name and number so they could refer to me anyone who might call them to report their encounters. To my delight, they agreed and I soon began receiving calls. They became a great resource and proved to be very helpful in my investigations. However, I do know that some people who called and asked them if anyone else had called, they told them no, which wasn’t true. I do have sympathy for the Lost Hills Sheriffs because they were dealing with a phenomenon that is controversial and not easy to investigate. It was clear to me that they did take these calls seriously, and that a few of the officers not only believed but had their own encounters. Considering the subject matter, I think that overall they did a good job dealing with it. ME: Can you summarize the experience that turned you into a true believer? What sent you down this road? PD: Before 1986, I was a huge skeptic of UFOs and Extraterrestrials (ETs). But on November 17, 1986, there was a nationally televised story of a UFO sighting over Alaska. According to the news report, Captain Kenju Terauchi of JAL airlines and his crew sighted two massive UFOs that paced their jet for many miles and was not only viewed with the naked eye, but also caught on radar. I was shocked to hear that a commercial pilot had the audacity to report his sighting and wondered if perhaps he really had seen something unusual. I began to ask around and received a huge shock. I discovered that my brother and his two friends had seen a UFO while driving down Reseda Boulevard. My sister-in-law and her two friends saw strange glowing objects over Van Nuys Reserve Air Force Base. A good friend had seen a UFO with his friend on Mulholland Blvd. overlooking the San Fernando Valley. Another friend (a pilot and flight instructor) and her friend saw a UFO from her home on Tuna Canyon. At the time, I worked in a business office in Woodland Hills and was amazed to find that three of my co-workers had also had encounters. I had another family member who had seen “gray” ETs (“Grays”) face-to-face, and a co-worker who had a “missing time” encounter. This was a huge shock. These were people I loved and trusted. I knew they weren’t lying, which meant they really had seen UFOs. I began to look into the subject, reading UFO books, attending conventions and joining organizations. I became a field investigator for MUFON and began researching my own cases. I soon uncovered many more cases, several that occurred in my home town of Topanga Canyon. My first article on this subject was published on the cover of the Topanga Messenger. I began writing articles for other magazines and journals, going on radio and TV to talk about my investigations. After ten years of research, I put out my first book and haven’t looked back since! ME: What was the most crazy, out-of-this-world (pun intended, I guess) experience you’ve personally had with aliens? What’s your most interesting anecdote regarding aliens? PD: After learning that many people I knew had seen UFOs, I really wanted to see one myself. I began camping out at night when people reported UFO activity, hoping to see one. Several times I saw strange lights. But in 1994, I met a woman who had regular contact with UFOs. I asked her if she could take me out to see one and she agreed. She telepathically asked the ETs to appear and to my amazement, they did. She took me to a rural location off the 210 Freeway outside of Pasadena one evening. We hiked out in the hills to a predetermined location, and no sooner had we arrived than a giant UFO showed up. It was an enormous spherical object, about the size of a house, totally silent, and covered with scintillating gold lights. It hovered about fifty feet away and about fifteen feet (or less) above the ground. It was breathtakingly beautiful. We both stared in awe as it hovered silently for about twenty seconds, then it slowly drifted away before suddenly zipping faster than I’ve ever seen anything move, off toward the southwest and disappeared. It was amazing.
Over the years, I’ve heard many fascinating stories about UFOs and ETs. One really interesting case involved a real estate agent turned psychologist who was driving through the Watchung Mountains of New Jersey one evening when she crashed her motorcycle. She had already had many strange experiences with UFOs and ETs throughout her life, but nothing could have prepared her for the ETs showing up on that lonely mountain road immediately after she had crashed. She wasn’t hurt, but her motorcycle had been damaged and she couldn’t get it started. Two strange figures showed up dressed in white jumpsuits. They were thin with bald heads and dark eyes. They said nothing as they picked up her motorcycle and repaired it. They stepped away, motioning her to get on her bike. They had rescued her! It was a very strange case. But there have been others equally bizarre.

In 2006, a teacher from O’Fallon, IL, described how she was out jogging with her dog early one morning when her dog stopped in its tracks and looked ahead on the road. She looked up, too, and saw a 15-foot-tall figure which she first thought was a man on stilts. But as it walked under the street-lights, she saw it was a praying mantis humanoid. She knew she wasn’t imagining it because her dog saw it too. So there are a lot of very strange cases. Another occurred on June 14, 1992, in Topanga when a couple called the Lost Hills Sheriffs to report that a UFO was following their car only to come swooping down, send a beam down on them and pull their car up into the sky. So, yes, many interesting encounters.

ME: Tell me more about the woman who was speaking telepathically to aliens. Do you recall any details about the nature of her abilities? Did she speak to them in her dreams? What where her solo encounters with them like?

PD: The woman I mentioned who was having regular contact was very psychic. I saw her perform many psychic abilities, including healing, clairvoyance and more. She communicated telepathically with the ETs and would sometimes relay messages from them. Her encounters started out to be quite traumatizing, but she soon got over her fear and her encounters became healing and spiritual. She was healed by the ETs of a malignant cyst.
ME: Do you think aliens live among us, disguising themselves as humans? Voting in elections for the candidates that best represent the Alien agenda? Stealing American jobs?

PD: There are many cases where people have seen ETs in places you’d never expect, such as gas-stations, casinos, subways, convenience stores, schools, train stations and more. These include not only Grays, but weird humanoids, and almost-human-looking beings, but usually described as having weird eyes, extremely pale skin, wearing strange jumpsuits and other bizarre details. In some cases, people thought they were seeing regular people, only to have them suddenly appear in front of them as a Gray alien. There are a surprisingly large number of cases like this. If it were just a few, they’d be easy to dismiss. I have no evidence that they are voting in elections or stealing our jobs, but yes, it does appear that some might actually be living among us.

ME: You’ve written 20 books about UFOs. Have you been contacted by the government, i.e., Men in Black, or aliens who had an interest in your research? There are plenty of classic alien encounters that are followed up by accounts of Men in Black showing up to destroy the evidence and commit intergalactic witness tampering.

PD: When I first started investigating UFOs, I was shocked to learn that our own government is perpetrating a massive cover-up of UFO evidence. While they are studying the subject in secret and are gathering evidence, they use our tax dollars and spend an enormous amount of time, money and effort to study this subject while at the same time telling the public that UFOs don’t exist, and if you think you saw one, you are hoaxing, hallucinating or misperceiving. Only recently has this changed, but even now the cover-up is still in place. This is not speculation, and is easily demonstrable with documents released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). We now have enough documents from virtually every intelligence and military organization in the USA to prove the cover-up and government interest in this subject.

When I started investigating, I was visited a few times by strange men in suits who asked all kinds of questions about my research. While investigating the Topanga Canyon wave of 1992-1994, I received a phone-call from a gentleman claiming to have a Top Secret clearance who worked in Satellite mapping. After asking if I was the one who was doing UFO research in the area, he told me that I should stop, that what I was doing was dangerous, and that I could get hurt. I asked him why and how, and he evaded my question and said that the UFO subject was not what I thought it was. I asked him what it was, and he again evaded my question and said that I didn’t know what I was getting into, and that besides, there’s no paydirt in it. That seemed weird to me. If there’s no paydirt in it, how could it be dangerous? After talking in circles for a few more minutes, he finally hung up.
I always wondered about that, because at the time, I was having all kinds of phone and mail problems. While interviewing Topanga witnesses, the phone would often start to become staticky, and I would hear weird clicks and buzzing noises. And when I sent out articles about UFOs to various magazines, they would come back to me with the envelopes opened. A few times while speaking at conventions, I was approached by gentlemen who looked like classic CIA agents, complete with expensive suits, slicked-back hair and mirrored sunglasses who would start asking me what new cases I was working on. Once while speaking before a UFO group about the Topanga encounters, one of these stooges was in the audience, and stood up and tried to debunk the cases I was presenting, saying they were caused by weather phenomena. I think he was probably one of the government Men in Black. So, yes, some limited government interference, but so far, no alien Men in Black. (Knocks on wood)
ME: In your book about alien encounters in Topanga, you discussed how most alien sightings in the canyon take place “where the canyon is at its lowest,” presumably Old Topanga. Why would that be a hotspot?

PD: All of Topanga Canyon and the Santa Monica Mountain Range seem to have a huge amount of activity, but for some reason, the center of Topanga is most active. The area around the center, the S-curves, Trippet Ranch up Entrada, Old Canyon…lots of cases seem to cluster here. I can only speculate why. Topanga is very rich in quartz crystal, though I’m not sure why that would be a factor. Perhaps it’s because at the time, Topanga was a fairly remote area surrounded by a lot of wilderness, which would hide them from the glaring lights of Los Angeles only a few miles away. Topanga has all kinds of deep canyons where UFOs can hide out. I’ve speculated about the possibility of a secret UFO base in the canyon, or perhaps off the coast, as many people have seen UFOs (or USOs, unidentified submersible objects) coming in and out of the coastal waters. The truth is, I don’t know, but for some reason, Topanga Canyon has been a hotspot for many years. Cases reach back to the 1920s, and are still going on. There is something about this area that is drawing UFOs there in disproportionally in large numbers. It’s a real mystery.

It’s very strange that June 14, 1992, was such a momentous day for UFO activity in Topanga. Even recently, I’ve talked to witnesses who were in Topanga on that night and saw strange activity. At latest count, there are more than 30 independent witnesses who viewed activity from about a dozen different locations. I’m not sure what was happening with the UFOs. Perhaps there was a mass evacuation from a secret underground or undersea base. Perhaps there was a major contact event. I can only speculate. All I know is that with so many witnesses seeing UFOs on that night, it’s undeniable that something momentous and unexplained occurred on June 14, 1992.

ME: You’ve researched hundreds of alien encounters. If aliens have been visiting our planet frequently for many years, why do you think the general public isn’t more aware of their existence? Why isn’t there a relationship between the everyday person and these aliens?
PD: It’s amazing to me that with so much UFO activity, encounters aren’t front page news, being taught in schools, and studied by mainstream scientists. I think there are a few reasons for this. One is because there is, in fact, a ruthless and well-funded cover-up of UFO information. The media is tightly controlled and for a very long time, refused to talk about UFOs.
Thankfully, things are getting better, but there is still a ridicule factor. Which brings me to the other reason: most UFO witnesses do not report their encounters. The vast majority of people who see UFOs don’t tell anybody, especially if it involves more than just a sighting, such as a landing or an onboard UFO experience. Only about one person out of a hundred will call the police, Air Force, or a UFO organization to report their sighting. They are afraid of ridicule, of losing their jobs, of being thought naïve, gullible or a weirdo UFO nut. The UFO cover-up has effectively halted the progress of ufology for decades. Now, however, things are changing. There are dozens of UFO books published each year. There are lots of TV programs and podcasts featuring the subject. Everyone has heard of UFOs and now even the government is talking. The time is approaching when the UFO cover-up will end and we will have disclosure. It’s happening now. Only then do I think we’ll have open official contact and that the ETs will show themselves to humanity at large.

ME: Regarding a government UFO cover-up, would you say that the stigma attached to believing in UFOs is the result of government propaganda? I can’t believe I’m using this as a source but there’s a Fox News interview with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) where he talked about how people in the military are treated after reporting UFO sightings, basically saying that the government’s reaction was to send them to a psychologist. Would you care to comment on that?

PD: Yes, he’s correct. When evaluating UFO reports, Project Blue Book officers would spend lots of time investigating cases with obvious prosaic explanations such as Venus or weather balloons. With cases that were clearly genuine “unidentifieds,” they would attack the credibility of the witness. There was a case in Nevada where a military officer came upon three landed discs along a desert highway. There was no chance that this was anything but real UFOs, so Blue Book questioned the psychological stability of the main witness. This was one of the tactics they used to debunk the phenomenon.
ME: What steps do you think need to be taken in order to build co-habitation between humans and aliens here on earth?

PD: There are many obstacles preventing open official contact with humans and extraterrestrials. It is our own war-like ways, our tendency to shoot first and ask questions later, our fear and discrimination of anyone who looks different from us that is keeping the ETs from showing themselves publicly. UFO contactees have been told that we are violent, corrupt, divisive and spiritually unevolved. We are polluting our planet faster than we can clean it up. We are electing leaders who are covering this subject up and who do not have our best interests in mind. If a UFO shows up, military jets chase it away. Until we can learn to allow love, truth and compassion to guide our actions instead of fear, greed and division, we are not ready for open official contact. It’s time for humanity to grow up. We’re getting closer. I feel that most people are probably ready. I know I am!

ME: So you think that the aliens who have been visiting us have reservations about contact because, compared to them we’re primitive, violent, and corrupt? Do you think the ETs are above that? That the ET society is something like we see in Star Trek, where society has risen above things like poverty, racism, war, etc?

PD: Yes. ETs are not only technologically advanced, but also spiritually, morally, ethically and psychically evolved. They have moved beyond war, politics, religion and discrimination.
ME: I know you have a book that touches on this, but what are your feelings regarding other cryptids? Do you believe in Mothman? Big foot? Skin Walkers?

PD: Cryptozoology is a subject I avoided researching at first, because I was afraid it was opening a can of worms. I was afraid Bigfoot might be real. But then I got my first Bigfoot case, and I knew if I wanted to be a real researcher, I had to at least look at the evidence. And, as I feared, there was a lot of it. I soon started getting other reports of Bigfoot, and after doing my homework, it was clear to me that, yes, people all over the world have been reporting Bigfoot encounters for hundreds of years.

The evidence for Bigfoot is overwhelming. And this led to research about other kinds of cryptozoological creatures, such as lake monsters, sea serpents and more. I have no Mothman encounters, so I’m not sure about that. Not sure what to think about Skin Walkers either. But it’s clear that there are all kinds of entities out there, ghosts and spirits, Bigfoot and wildmen, angels, possibly even fairies and nature spirits. I’ve since interviewed people who’ve had paranormal encounters of all kinds, near-death experiences, OBEs, precognitive dreams, ghostly encounters and more.

For those who don’t believe in such things, I have a challenge for you: ask your family, your friends, your co-workers. Ask them if they’ve ever had any strange unexplained encounters, or paranormal experiences. I think you might be surprised.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Preston Dennett is undoubtedly an interesting guy and got me thinking: if everybody is seeing aliens, why can’t I? There has to be somebody, like the telepathic woman who, if aliens do exist, could introduce me. If this many people have had anecdotal experiences with aliens, there has to be a hotspot to stake out or a person with an alien locked in a cage in their basement...some way to get alien face time has to exist.
I want to believe! (X-Files Theme Plays)

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