Butterflies & Dogs. Life is Good!

Flavia PotenzaBy Flavia Potenza

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Butterflies & Dogs. Life is Good!

Butterflies & Dogs. Life is Good!

That’s pretty much what this edition of The Canyon Chronicle is about, except for Tom Cat’s point of view (above). Butterflies because Butterfly Day at the Mountain Mermaid is happening on August 28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and the beauty of butterflies has migrated not just to our cover but into a double spread plus one (Pages 8-9 and 11) designed by Bill Buerge, owner of the Mermaid. The day will be full of activities and music and Sergio Jimenez’ nursery will have native plants for sale to inspire you to create your own pollinator garden. And dogs? Well it’s still the Dog Days of Summer (Page 12), so we not only have Part 2 in this issue but will have Part 3 in the next one. We do love our dogs. You can tell it’s the end of summer. Kids have just gone back to school and coverage of our newsiest event is the field trip to 69 Bravo sponsored by the Topanga Historical Society. Members got quite a buzz when the Fire Hawk helitanker came in fast, low, and loud in a dramatic flyover...without a water drop. (Page 4) Senior reporter, Annemarie Donkin and I made a return visit for lunch at Cafe on 27, and were treated to some nice surprises. (Page 6) As we ease into the work-a-day world and the days grow shorter, you might be interested to know where we’re going to get all that lithium to power the batteries for our electric vehicles. Answer: From the United States, not China. Surprised? Although the U.S. has one operating lithium mine in Nevada, plans are afoot to mine the Salton Sea in California to power a new lithium plant. It will use the geothermal energy there that pushes lithium and other minerals to the surface. Paula LaBrot explains the pros and cons of mining, which isn’t ever good for the environment but think “green.” It’s a compromise. (Page 6) Wondering “What’s in the Stars” for September? Astrologist Kait Leonard says September suggests, “Honor your Mother... Earth... and your own spiritual traditions.” (Page 14) It may get complicated but, yes, Life is Good.
Photo by Flavia Potenza From the Desk of Tom Cat: “What’s with all the dogs?”
Flavia Potenza

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